Thursday, July 14, 2011


Health Info

Migraines : What A Pain!
What you should know about migraines and the symptoms ?

Migraine headaches typically affect one side of the head and they can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Some people have them weekly, others have fewer, maybe a few times in a year. Migraines are common in adults aged between 20 and 50. Migraines can be classified as either the ´classic´ or ´common´ types.

You may know that you are going to have a migraine before the headache started. Warning signs include nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light, noise, or smells. Classic migraines begin with warning signs such as flashing lights or colours. You may feel as though you are looking through a tunnel. One side of your body may feel prickly, hot or weak. These warning signs last about 15 to 30 minutes and are followed by a sharp pain in your head.

Common migraines do not have the same warning signs. However you may feel tired, depressed, restless or talkative for 2 or 3 days before the headache starts.

What Causes a Migraine?

A migraine begins when blood vessels in the brain narrow (constrict) temporarily. When that happens, the amount of blood and oxygen flowing to the brain will drop.

That causes other blood vessels to dilate (expand). When those blood vessels expand, they become inflamed, throb, and cause a pounding pain. Because it involves changes in blood vessels, a migraine is a vascular headache.

Scientists believe that people who get migraines have inherited a tendency for their nervous systems to react differently to changes in their bodies or their environment. Certain things may trigger a reaction in the person's nervous system and start a migraine attack.

Some common triggers are:

  • stress and emotional upset
  • menstruation (having PMS - premenstrual syndrome) 
  • skipping proper meals 
  • high caffeine consumption (like cola drinks)
  • food such as aged cheese, chocolate, ice cream, fried food, lunch meats, hot dogs, yogurt, artificial sweeteners, beans, nuts, pickles and raising)
How To Prevent Migraine?

(i) Follow your doctor's instructions and take your medicine as instructed.
(ii) Always consume healthy meals
(iii)Consume health food supplements. Free yourself from stress and learn to relax yourself.
(iv) Have regular exercise

The more you understand about migraines, the better you will be able to protect yourself when you get it!

Drink DXN Reishi Gano (RG) / Ganocelium (GL)

Source: DXN Life , Volumn 12

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