Thursday, July 14, 2011



heart - heart disease heart attack heart health blood vessels artery clogged lower cholesterol
Why Our Arteries Become Clogged As We Age

The aging process damages blood vessels, even when conventional risk factors such as cholesterol and blood pressure are within normal ranges.
Despite aggressive intervention with diet, exercise, supplements, and drugs, pathological changes still occur in the arterial wall that predispose aging adults to vascular diseases. The encouraging news is that a non-prescription method has been developed to address the underlying reason why arteries become occluded as people reach the later stages of their lives.

For the past 35 years, the standard way to treat coronary atherosclerosis has been to bypass the blocked arteries. Recuperation from coronary bypass surgery can take months, and some patients are afflicted with lifetime impairments such as memory loss, chronic inflammation, and depression.
The scientific literature reveals that atherosclerosis is associated with high blood levels of homocysteine, C-reactive protein, insulin, iron, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and triglycerides, along with low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and testosterone. Optimizing blood levels of these substances can dramatically reduce heart attack and stroke risk.
Prescribing a "statin" drug is what today's doctors typically do to prevent and treat coronary atherosclerosis. Cholesterol and LDL, however, are only partial players in the atherosclerosis process.


are the blood vessels that bear the full force of each heartbeat. Laypeople often think of arteries as flexible tubes whose only function is to carry blood that flows continuously throughout the body. In reality, arteries are dynamic, functioning muscular structures that in good health expand and contract to facilitate circulation and maintain optimal blood pressure.
The artery's outer layer mostly consists of connective tissue and provides structural containment for the two layers beneath. The middle arterial area comprises elastic smooth muscle that provides the contractile strength to make possible the artery's expansion and contraction with each heartbeat. The inner layer -known as the endothelium- consists of a thin area of endothelial cells whose integrity is crucial if atherosclerosis is to be prevented.
A vital function of the endothelium is to form a barrier to prevent toxic substances in the blood from entering the elastic smooth muscle in the middle vessel wall. Another specialized function of the endothelium is to react to mechanical forces such as blood pressure and blood flow generated by the heart's beating action. The endothelium releases substances into cells of the middle layer smooth muscle that changes the tone or firmness of the artery.

When endothelial cells sense an injury, they produce signals that prompt smooth muscle cells in the middle arterial wall to change. These changes result in the smooth muscle cells moving toward the site of vascular injury, where they reposition themselves just beneath the endothelial cell layer. In reaction to injury, endothelial cells also produce substances that signal circulating blood cells to stick to the endothelium (instead of effortlessly flowing through the vessel). Atherosclerosis gradually forms in response to this initial injury to the endothelium

Changes in the Aging Endothelium

As we grow older, some of the specialized functions of our endothelial cells become blunted. The self-renewal process weakens. The endothelial barrier becomes leaky. Signals to the middle wall smooth muscle cells that regulate their function become altered.
Smooth muscle cells behave as if in reaction to endothelial injury, migrating to the endothelium, where they multiply and produce matrix proteins that gradually occlude the blood vessel. The addition of these smooth muscle cells and matrix proteins within the sub-endothelial space results in thickening of the artery's inner wall. In older arteries, the inner wall becomes a battleground where multiple reactions occur that are similar to the process of chronic injury. The inner wall dysfunction that occurs in the aging artery provides fertile soil for the seeds of atherosclerosis. All of these processes whereby normal endothelial function is compromised are collectively referred to as endothelial dysfunction

How Atherosclerosis Develops

Atherosclerosis is so common in older adults that some experts used to think it was part of normal aging. An alternative view is that atherosclerosis is a disease process that takes advantage of changes that occur within the aging artery.

The vascular aging process and atherosclerotic process influence each other and become intertwined as we age. The more severe vascular aging is, the easier it is for atherosclerosis to take hold. The more severe atherosclerosis is, the greater its impact on diseases associated with vascular aging, such as stroke and heart attack. Thus, it appears that with advancing age, atherosclerosis and the aging process combine forces.
An often-used analogy for atherosclerosis is a "clogged pipe". This misguided perception either leads to bypass surgery or a procedure in which the blocked coronary artery is forced opened with a balloon catheter (angioplasty) and a stent is implanted to keep the artery open. While these surgical procedures have become necessary for many people, the "clogged pipe" analogy is an inaccurate way to view the process of atherosclerosis.

The Arterial Wall Under Attack

High blood pressure, elevated LDL and triglycerides, low HDL, cigarette smoking, diabetes, obesity, and lack of exercise contribute to endothelial dysfunction and the subsequent development of atherosclerosis.

Additional endothelial-damaging factors include excess levels of glucose, insulin, iron, homocysteine, fibrinogen, and C-reactive protein, as well as low HDL and free testosterone (in men).
Homocysteine is particularly dangerous because it can induce the initial injury to the endothelium. Homocysteine then facilitates oxidation of the fat/LDL that accumulates beneath the damaged endothelium, and finally contributes to the abnormal accumulation of blood components around the atherosclerotic lesion.
Fibrinogen is a clotting factor that accumulates at the site of the endothelial lesion. Fibrinogen may contribute to plaque buildup or participate in blood clot-induced blockage of an artery after an unstable atherosclerotic plaque ruptures.
Glucose at even high-normal levels may accelerate the glycation process that causes arterial stiffening, while high-normal fasting insulin inflicts direct damage to the endothelium.
High levels of iron promote LDL oxidation in the damaged endothelium, while low levels of testosterone appear to interfere with normal endothelial function.

Ganoderma Lucidum (King of Herbs)
Research suggests that Reishi Gano (RG) and Ganocilium (GL)  plays an important role in protecting the function and health of endothelial cells. Studies also indicate that RG/GL may act as a nutritional corrective agent, cleansing the clog in the arteries, like cardiovascular conditions such as peripheral arterial disease, angina, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, intermittent claudication, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, and congestive heart failure. RG/GL appears to be more potent than other products in improving vascular function.
RED RESIHI (Ganoderma Lucidum) is primarily composed of complex carbohydrate called water-soluble polysaccharides, triterpinoids, proteins and amino acids. Researchers have identified that water soluble, polysaccharides are the most active element found in RED RESIHI that have anti-tumor, immune modulating and BLOOD PRESSURE LOWERING EFFECTS.


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Take note & list down the name of your Sponsor as listed below. Write Code No. 064734921 (VERY IMPORTANT);



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 You May Join & Register  


 You May Join & Register  

DXN Philosophy


DXN Profile
DXN Logo & Concept
DXN Philosophy

DXN Philosophies

Low Price, High Quality;
Low Profile, High Income.

Our philosophy - to provide low price and high quality products, to keep a low profile while generating high income is ideal for direct selling. This system is equitably accessible to anyone of any background. Our free enterprise system enables anyone to enjoy personal achievements that lead to greater financial independence. More importantly, numerous people have testified to the benefits of our products when they gained better health through consumption of our products. Our philosophy is the foundation on which our success in the network marketing industry is built.

DXN Logo & Concept


DXN Profile
DXN Logo & Concept
DXN Philosophy

DXN Logo

RED represents fire to symbolize the company's fighting spirit to progress.
The Red Oval symbolizes the rising sun to represent aggressiveness, single-mindedness and persistence in chieving DXN's vision.
GREEN represents trees to symbolize the dynamic growth and expansion of our market.
The Green Branches symbolizes Ganoderma to represent the company's strong commitments for growth andrelentless striving to achieve excellence by focusing on health-based industry.
BLUE represents water to symbolize the company as the foundation for all the vigorous developments.
The Blue Horizontal Line symbolizes the company as the power source for the impetus of business development.

DXN Concept

The entire process – cultivation, processing and marketing is solely done by the Company under strict quality control.
Each and every distributor enjoys worldwide bonus with single membership.
The company and the distributors single-mindedly concentrate on doing DXN business.

Training & Seminars

Trainings & Seminars

SPEAKER BY: DXN CD Joseph 'erap' Estrada 
Location:         DXN SERVICE CENTER, 3rd Floor, Galleria de San Francisco, Naga City
Date:               May 11, 2012
Time:              1:00pm

for more information, please call/text 09099176734
email us:

Grab 5 Pairs of RG & GL 90's

Grab 5 Pairs of RG & GL 90's.
Beginning July 1, 2011... Buy 5 Pairs of RG and GL 90's in one Cash Invoice and you will avail the Free Spirulina Tablet 300's (without PV/SV).
Promo will run until July 31, 2011.

   or You May Join & Register    





A Nutri-Gift to Zhi-zzle your Day

Nutri-Gift to Zhi-zzle your Day! - runs from May 15, 2011 to Aug. 15, 2011
Mechanics: For every purchase of 3 boxes of DXN Nutrizhi in one (1) Cash Invoice, Distributors are entitled to Gift Certificate worth Php300.00 .

or You May Join & Register  

Reactivate yourself

Reactivate Yourself! 
Start reactivate your membership by purchasing 1,000 PPV worth of DXN products in one Cash Invoice and get one (1) free bottle of DXN Roselle Juice (without PV/SV).
Promo is until July 31, 2011 only.

   or You May Join & Register

Incentive Scheme

Incentive Scheme

Incentive Scheme

1.  Hand Phone Php10,500.00

2.  Overseas Trip Php70,000.00

3.  International Profit Sharing 2%

4.  Travel Seminar 2%



         When you have three (3) immediate SAs who have achieved 60,000 accumulated GPV,
       then you will be entitled to receive this One Time Hand Phone Incentive amounting
       to Php10,500.

         * Only personally sponsored downlines are counted.

         When you have five (5) immediate downlines who have received their Hand Phone
       Cash Incentive, then you will be entitled to receive this One Time Overseas Trip Cash
       Incentive amounting to Php70,000.

         * Only personally sponsored downlines are counted


          To be entitled to this bonus, member must be a SA and m+aintain 1,000 PPV and
       3,000 PGPV**(QSA).
IPS Fund = Overall Company's Sales in SV * 2%
Your IPS entitlement =
IPS Fund * Your IPS Point for the month

Total IPS Point for all QSD and above

        Your IPS Point calculation:

Level of QSD IPS Point
Personal DGSV * 100%
1st Level QSD (L1) + L1 DGSV * 50%
2nd Level QSD (L2) + L2 DGSV * 40%
3rd Level QSD (L3) + L3 DGSV * 30%
4th Level QSD (L4) + L4 DGSV * 20%
5th Level QSD (L5) + L5 DGSV * 10%
  1. TRAVEL and SEMINAR (2%)

          This Travel and Seminar (TS) shall be used by the qualifier for the travel seminar
    organized by the Company only. It is not exchangeable for cash and also not transferable.
    A qualifier may claim up to maximum Travel Seminar Fare against his/her TS for two (2),
    if married.
TS Fund = Company's Annual Sales in SV * 2%
                * To be shared as below:

                      i)  50% of the Trave and Seminar Fund (TSF) to be shared amongst all
                          SA and above who met the YEAELY TSIP QUOTA set for the year.

                     ii)  50% of the Travel and Seminar Fund (TSF) to be shared amongst all
                          SD and above who met the YEAELY TSIP QUOTA set for the year.
  1. Travel and Seminar for SA Qualifier (TS SA)
TS SA = 50% * TSF *
Accumulated TSP* for a SA Qualifier

Total Accumulated TSP for all SA Qualifiers

               * Traveland Seminar Point (TSP) will be calculated monthly based on the
                  following and to be accumulated for a year:

Level of QSA IPS Point
Personal PGSV * 100%
1st Level QSA (L1) + L1 PGSV * 50%
2nd Level QSA (L2) + L2 PGSV * 40%
3rd Level QSA (L3) + L3 PGSV * 30%
4th Level QSA (L4) + L4 PGSV * 20%
5th Level QSA (L5) + L5 PGSV * 10%
  1. Travel and Seminar for SD Qualifier(TS SD)
TS SD = 50% * TSF *
Accumulated TSP* for a SD Qualifier

Total Accumulated TSP for all SD Qualifiers

               * Travel and Seminar Point (TSP) will be calculated monthly based on the
                  following and to be accumulated for a year:

Level of QSA IPS Point
Personal DGSV * 100%
1st Level QSD (L1) + L1 DGSV * 50%
2nd Level QSD (L2) + L2 DGSV * 40%
3rd Level QSD (L3) + L3 DGSV * 30%
4th Level QSD (L4) + L4 DGSV * 20%
5th Level QSD (L5) + L5 DGSV * 10%

Bonus Scheme

Bonus Scheme

Bonus Type

1.  Retail Profit 15% - 25%
2.  Bonus (71%)
  1. Group Bonus
  2. Star Group Bonus
  3. Development Bonus
  4. Leadership Bonus

6% - 21%
25% - 37%

  1. RETAIL PROFIT (15% - 25%)

          Direct profit that distributors earn from selling DXN products to non-DXN members.
          Retail Profit is the difference between the distributor's price and the retail price.
  1. GROUP BONUS (6% - 21%)

          To be entitled to this bonus, member should maintain 1,000 PV each month.
Accumulated Group PV
45,000 PV and Above 21 %
32,500 - 44,999 18 %
20,000 - 32499 15 %
10,000 - 19,999 12 %
3000 - 9,999 9 %
1000 - 2999 6 %

» If a Star Agent (21%) maintains 1,000 PV and 3,000 PGPV **, he will
   become a Qualified Star Agent**(QSA).
  1. STAR GROUP BONUS (25% - 37%)

          To be entitled to this bonus, member must be a SA and maintain 1,000 PPV and
          3,000 PGPV**(QSA).

No. of SA (1st Generation) No. of QSA Lines DGPV Bonus
6 - 50,000 37%
4 25,000
5 - 30,000 35%
4 20,000
4 4 - 33%
3 3 - 31%
2 2 - 29%
1 1 - 27%
0 0 - 25%

» PGPG is inclusive of personal PV (i.e. 1,000PPV + 2,000 non-QSA group PV).

* For SSD and above, if the number of QSD is more than one, then the DGPV can be
   borrowed from one of the QSD and the number of QSD will be reduced by one.

          To be entitled for this bonus, member must be a SA and maintain 1,000 PPV and
          3,000 PGPV**(QSA).

Level of QSA Bonus
1st Level 5%
2nd Level 4%
3rd Level 3%
4th Level 2%
5th Level 1%
Total 15%

** PGPV is inclusive of personal PV (i.e. 1,000PPV + 2,000 non-QSA group PV).


          To be entitled to this bonus, member must be a Qualified Star Diamond (QSD).

No of QSD Lines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1st Level QSD's DGSV
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
2nd Level and below
QSD's DGSV (Until 1st
level of next qualifier
- 3 4.8 5.8 6.5 7.1 7.6 8 8.3 8.5
Minimum DGSV needed
to Guarantee upline
27.5 55 82.5 110 110 110 110 110 110 110

No of QSD Lines 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1st Level QSD's DGSV
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
2nd Level and below
QSD's DGSV (Until 1st
level of next qualifier)
8.7 8.9 9.1 9.3 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10
Minimum DGSV needed
to Guarantee upline
110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110

Status and Conditions

Status and Conditions

Member Must be 18 years old, sponsored by an existing member and has purchased the Membership Fee

 Php800 - with RG/GL 30's 150PV or
 Php500 - without products 50PV
  1. Retail Profit
  2. Group Bonus

15% - 25 %

6% - 21 %
Star Agent Achieve Accumulated Group Sales of 45,000 PV (without time limit)
  1. Star Group Bonus
  2. Development Bonus

25 - 37%%

Star Ruby Sponsor three (3) Star Agents (SA) first generation
  1. Star Group Bonus
  2. Development Bonus
  3. Entitled to Hand phone Incentive - P10,500 (one time lump sum only
  4. Entitled to overseas trip with P 70,000 cash (one time lump sum only)

    (Note that this privilege is only given after five (5) of your immediate downlines had received their Hand Phone Cash Incentive.


Star Diamond Sponsor six (6) Star Agents (SA) first generation. SD is qualified for the 37% Star Group Bonus.
  1. Star Group Bonus
  2. Leadership Bonus
  3. Travel Seminar
  4. International Profit Sharing

25% - 37%



Senior Star Diamond Star Diamond who sponsors two (2) Star Diamonds *
Double Diamond Star Diamond who sponsors four (4) Star Diamonds *
Triple Diamond Star Diamond who sponsors six (6) Star Diamonds *
Gold Diamond Star Diamond who sponsors eight (8) Star Diamonds *
Crown Diamond Star Diamond who sponsors ten (10) Star Diamonds *
Senior Crown Diamond Star Diamond who sponsors twelve (12) Star Diamonds *
Double Crown Diamond Star Diamond who sponsors fourteen (14) Star Diamonds *
Triple Crown Diamond Star Diamond who sponsors sixteen (16) Star Diamonds *
Gold Crown Diamond Star Diamond who sponsors eighteen (18) Star Diamonds *
Crown Ambassador Star Diamond who sponsors twenty (20) Star Diamonds *


Health Info

Stroke. What does it mean? Blood flow blockage or brain attacks? Stroke is usually defined as two types: Ischemic (caused by a blockage in an artery) Hemorrhagic (caused by a tear in the wall of the artery that produces bleeding in the brain )

A disruption in blood flow to the brain is the primary cause of a stroke. It can be disastrous and cause brain damage or even death. Our brain receives about 25% of the body's oxygen but it cannot store it. Brain cells require a constant supply of oxygen to stay healthy and function properly. Therefore, within minutes of a stroke, oxygen is cut off in the brain leading to death of brain cells . This also leads to some parts of the brain losing control over the activity of some parts of the body, resulting in temporary or permanent disability or paralysis.

The following complications could arise and may need continued medical cares :

  • Urinary incontinence and urinary infectioN
  • Cramp
  • Falls, usually to the affected side
  • Reduced blood supply to the brain may result in confusion and speech disturbances.

What are the symptoms of a stroke ???

People at risk or partners of people at risk for stroke should be aware of the general symptoms and the victim should get to the hospital as soon as possible after these warning signs appear. Some include the following:
  • Headache in the back of the head
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Inability to speak clearly
  • Weakness in the arms and legs
  • Tingling or numbness in the mouth, cheeks or gums

What are the risk factors for a stroke ???

  • SMOKING - people who smoke have higher risk to get stroke than nonsmokers
  • HEART DISEASE - heart disease and stroke are closely related for many reasons. They often have common risk factors.
  • STRESS - mental and emotional factors (stress and depression) have also been linked as a higher risk for having stroke.
  • AGE - people most at risk for stroke are older adults particularly those with high blood pressure, overweight, smokeor have diabetes.
  • SLEEP APNEA - which may contribute to the narrowing of the carotid artery, appears to increase the risk for stroke.
  • ATHEROSCLEROSIS - hardening of the arteries.

Source: DXN Life , Volumn 11


Health Info

Migraines : What A Pain!
What you should know about migraines and the symptoms ?

Migraine headaches typically affect one side of the head and they can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Some people have them weekly, others have fewer, maybe a few times in a year. Migraines are common in adults aged between 20 and 50. Migraines can be classified as either the ´classic´ or ´common´ types.

You may know that you are going to have a migraine before the headache started. Warning signs include nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light, noise, or smells. Classic migraines begin with warning signs such as flashing lights or colours. You may feel as though you are looking through a tunnel. One side of your body may feel prickly, hot or weak. These warning signs last about 15 to 30 minutes and are followed by a sharp pain in your head.

Common migraines do not have the same warning signs. However you may feel tired, depressed, restless or talkative for 2 or 3 days before the headache starts.

What Causes a Migraine?

A migraine begins when blood vessels in the brain narrow (constrict) temporarily. When that happens, the amount of blood and oxygen flowing to the brain will drop.

That causes other blood vessels to dilate (expand). When those blood vessels expand, they become inflamed, throb, and cause a pounding pain. Because it involves changes in blood vessels, a migraine is a vascular headache.

Scientists believe that people who get migraines have inherited a tendency for their nervous systems to react differently to changes in their bodies or their environment. Certain things may trigger a reaction in the person's nervous system and start a migraine attack.

Some common triggers are:

  • stress and emotional upset
  • menstruation (having PMS - premenstrual syndrome) 
  • skipping proper meals 
  • high caffeine consumption (like cola drinks)
  • food such as aged cheese, chocolate, ice cream, fried food, lunch meats, hot dogs, yogurt, artificial sweeteners, beans, nuts, pickles and raising)
How To Prevent Migraine?

(i) Follow your doctor's instructions and take your medicine as instructed.
(ii) Always consume healthy meals
(iii)Consume health food supplements. Free yourself from stress and learn to relax yourself.
(iv) Have regular exercise

The more you understand about migraines, the better you will be able to protect yourself when you get it!

Drink DXN Reishi Gano (RG) / Ganocelium (GL)

Source: DXN Life , Volumn 12

Health Benefits of Red Reishi

Health Benefits of Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum)

Reishi Mushrooms Help Boost Energy & Immune System - frankenstoenReishi Mushrooms Help Boost Energy & Immune System - frankenstoen
Reishi mushrooms lower blood cholesterol and have anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
Reishi mushrooms are red in colour and belong to the Ganoderma mushroom family, with the word "reishi" being the Japanese name for "spiritual mushroom." In China, locals have been using reishi for healing purposes for a few thousand years and see it as being en par with the herbal supplement ginseng.

Health Benefits of Red Reishi Supplements

While reishi mushrooms are not used in cooking, it is commonly used in the form of a tablet as a herbal supplement. In The Essential Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements, Brewer (2010) highlights key health benefits and healing properties associated with reishi, to include the following:
  • adaptogenic, antihypertensive, anti-allergic and antibacterial properties
  • anti-viral, anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties
  • tonic and anti-oxidant properties
  • strengthens liver, lungs, heart and immune system
  • increases intellectual capacity and improves memory
  • boosts physical/mental energy levels
  • promotes vitality and longevity
  • speeds up convalescence
  • regulates blood sugar levels
  • helps minimize chemotherapy/radiotherapy side-effects
  • reduces blood clotting, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol
  • helps increase brain blood flow, oxygen uptake in Alzheimer's patients
  • promotes restful sleep
  • improves stress-related symptoms, low mood and fatigue
  • helps treat bronchitis

In addition to the above benefits associated with reishi supplements, Lakin et al. (2006) in Healing Supplements, identify that reishi are traditionally used by the Chinese to encourage relaxation. This herbal remedy is also recognised to help fight heart disease and reduce forms of respiratory health conditions.